Multichannel Streamer
Geo Sense Technology multi-channel streamer are dedicated to high and ultra-high resolution marine seismic using broad spectrum hydrophones (1 Hz – 10 kHz). Three multi-channel models are available: - Ultra-Light Weight (26 mm diameter) for up to 24 channels, Light Weight (42 mm diameter) for up to 48 channels and Standard (52 mm) for 96 channels.
Our light weight streamer has a small bending radius of 30 cm allowing very compact storage on manual cable reels of small size electrical winches.
Geo Sense Streamer design is customizable to your specific needs and projects. Standard group interval (1, 2 or 3.125 meters) are available from the shelf. Our short streamer for Ultra High Resolutions application are built with single elements to record the highest frequencies.
Our streamers are supplied neutrally buoyant and can be easily towed in standard configuration or slanted to achieve broadband acquisition. Towing depth can be adjusted by using small pieces of lead or changing the fixing depth on the front and tail buoy. Communication coils can be added to the longer streamers for the use of birds.
Geo Sense Streamers has become the system of choice for Offshore Windfarm Site 2D and 3D surveys, providing the highest-quality seismic data with the best resolution. Geo Sense streamers offers superior reliability, resulting in an increase productivity at high survey speed and acquisition in marginal weather.

Key Features
- Oil or Gel filled sections
- Small diameter and small bending radius
- Specially designed with short group spacing for UHR seismic
- Customizable design to match customer requirements
- Compatible with manual Cable Reel or Electrical winches
Engineering Surveys
Offshore windfarms Site surveys
Cable route survey
Oil and Gas Risk Assessments
Seismic Risk Assessment